Consider the following three scenarios:
- An employee walks through the door and talks you through the problems they are experiencing. There are many, they seem significant and they appear to be everyone else’s fault as to why they have occurred. No notion of personal accountability or initiative to address the challenges they are experiencing. The encounter leaves you drained as they walk out the door. Their problems have become your problems.
- A different employee walks in to your office. The same problems are also present and discussed but so are some proactive solutions and suggestions being put forward. Support is requested from you not to take on their issues or challenges but to assist in coaching them through the alternatives and options that will drive the best outcome for the organisation.
- Scenario three is with a different employee. They walk in, lets you know what challenges have arisen and how they have already proactively dealt with them. The debrief is accompanied by learnings and how they plan to proactively manage the solution! Accountability for the solutions leaves with them along with an uplift in energy for you due to the positive interaction you have experienced. They have given energy rather than taken it away from you.
The difference in these three scenarios comes down to an above the line mindset. The notion that one employee knows they can make a difference, the third is already making the difference while the first is operating below the line where they are the victim to situations and responses seemingly outside of their control or influence. This difference in mindset can be taught, can be developed and embedded in people within any organisation or project. The challenge is to ensure that the mindset is not only applied but translated in to specific behaviours and actions that are recognisable and coachable in the quest for high performance. People need to recognise the differences between above and below the line and support each other in this shift over time.
The difference to the bottom line by thinking above the line is literally worth millions. Not only does it lead to increased performance, the increase in engagement levels, culture and outcomes are significant.
To download your copy of the above the line tool along with specific examples of what the shift looks like from below to above the line, please click here.