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Online Courses – Victorian Government

Commercial Capability Training

Organisations throughout Australia and New Zealand spend billions of dollars on contractors and service providers every year. This presents significant commercial opportunities to save money and improve the performance of your contracts by understanding good commercial practices that drive value for money from service providers.

Staff from across government departments and infrastructure delivery agencies can further develop their commercial capability through our training courses that have been developed with input from Victoria’s infrastructure delivery agencies.

Attendees come from a range of different roles including project management, commercial, legal, procurement and stakeholder engagement. We also have different experience, knowledge and capability when it comes to commercials, which is why we offer Commercial Capability training courses at the Graduate and Emerging Professional, Intermediate and Advanced levels.

More information on what is included within each course can be found here:

The criteria for attendance at each of these courses are as follows:

Graduate and Emerging Leaders Commercial Capability Training

Target audience: Entry level employees in government departments and agencies, especially those working on or with public infrastructure. VPS1 to VPS3, graduates, cadets and interns recommended.

Experience recommended: No commercial or public sector experience required. Current work in project delivery, procurement, commercial, engineering, legal, finance, advisory, environment, policy and planning recommended.


Intermediate Commercial Capability Training

Target audience: Mid-level employees in government departments and agencies, especially those working on major public infrastructure projects. VPS4 to VPS6 and SES with limited experience in procurement and commercial management recommended.

Experience recommended: Some public sector experience working on procurement or commercial projects. Current work in project delivery, procurement, commercial, engineering, legal, finance, advisory, environment, policy and planning recommended.


Advanced Commercial Capability Training

Target Audience: Mid and senior level employees in government departments and agencies, especially those managing and leading major public infrastructure projects. VPS5, VPS6 and SES who have attended intermediate training and have gained further experience in procurement and commercial projects, or employees with extensive experience in these areas.

Experience recommended: Attendance at intermediate training, experience working on procurement or commercial projects. Current work in project delivery, procurement, commercial, engineering, legal, finance, advisory, environment, policy and planning recommended.

We strongly recommend all participants attend the Intermediate Capability training before they attend the Advanced Capability training.


Our Commercial Capability Training is linked to the Commercial Capability Framework developed by BRS in consultation with Office of Projects Victoria. The Commercial Capability Framework is a tool to define and measure commercial skills and competencies of Victorian Public Service (VPS) and Executive Officer staff working in infrastructure delivery roles. It gives guidance on the behaviours, skills and expertise that reflect different levels of commercial capability required to deliver successful project outcomes.

OPV Commercial Capability Framework

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