Since commencing on our journey with BRS, we have been lucky enough to have a lot of success. This includes reaching ambitious targets, delivering great client work, achieving our desired culture, challenging ourselves to be better every day as well as winning a number of great awards.
The other side to this has also been the failures or what I like to call learning’s. There have been many over the journey! Perhaps too many to recall! These include the wrong recruitment decisions, wrong partners and clients, growth in areas that we should have not pursued and a lack of focus on what is important which has meant we have been distracted at times.
What is interesting is the response you hopefully see to both. ‘Nothing fails like success’ is one of my favourite quotes. It literally provides caution when you are successful because success can lead to complacency. In some ways, failure is better for business because failure is feedback which is the breakfast of champions!
When reflecting on this and the last four years since starting BRS, the most enjoyable aspect of starting our own business has not been successes nor has it been the failures. These have been outcomes from decisions made or not. What has been the most enjoyable has been the people we have shared it with. Very much like life, the most enjoyable part of it is the journey with great people including family, friend and acquaintances. Too often though we don’t slow done or reflect enough to appreciate this aspect or the company of those that make your life happen.
It has been a bit like that with BRS. I have loved starting a business with my wife in that we have built something together that has been challenging but very rewarding. I have really enjoyed our close knit team and associates and the support they have provided us. I have loved the time spent with great clients who trust you, support you and grow with you. Another group that has been important for us has been our service providers in all areas of our business. They have provided great service with ideas and innovation.
When you get on a plane with Qantas, the final thing they say to you at the end of the safety briefing is to enjoy the journey with them. Perhaps it should be the first given its importance not only for a great plane ride but also for running a business, having a great life and any other worthwhile endeavour. It has taken me while to learn but I will get there with the right people coming along with me!