I wrote a recent blog on the challenge we have as leaders in terms of being busy rather than productive. I focused this blog on the impact this has on individuals who are afflicted by it in that it distracts them from focussing on their big rocks, those things that can have a significant impact in making a real difference to themselves and their organisation.
What I didn’t discuss in that blog in detail was the impact that this affliction (busyitis) has on others that interact with them and are close to them. For those that work with people that have challenges in this area, the lack of focus is evident when they check their email in their one on ones in meetings, don’t focus on their colleagues or the topic in meetings and are generally time poor to their family and friends because they are reactive to their phone or email. All of this dilutes their effectiveness. It also impacts on our relationship with them. People withdraw because they don’t appear to have time for us or the time they have with us is not in the moment, ie they are there in body but not much else.
Satori is a Japanese word for “in the moment”. It is powerful in highlighting that people value your attention, your energy and focus at a point in time. The best way to focus on someone and make them feel special and valued is to truly focus on them fully without distractions. It not only is a gift for the people you interact with, it comes back to you in better engagement and better relationships with your staff, family and friends.
Being in the moment is hard. True focus and attention comes down to what you view as important at that point in time. We tell ourselves that we will spend more time with those that matter when things slow down. When will this be? Will it actually happen? Perhaps the alternative is to slow down now with people, focus on them and enjoy the moment? Watch the gift you give bounce back!
Want to know more about productivity? Read this blog by Robin Sharma The Sword Crafter’s Parable for a message about devoting yourself.