Are you bidding and delivering to win to ensure success?
Our bidding to win training is designed to develop awareness and capability in the full range of activities involved in winning competitive bids, delivering on projects and ensuring they are set up for success.
BRS understands what it takes to win and combines the ‘hard’ disciplines of bid evaluation and response with the people factors that engender and maintain trust between customer and service provider. BRS also provide a set of key performance measures and frameworks that provide early indicators of being on track (or not) to win the bid as well as a plan for delivering high performance once the work is won. These qualitative measures are quite often overlooked, but are frequently the differentiating factor.
Our training is provided in-house and can assist in really ensuring that your team is clear on what it takes to be successful in winning bids. Some of the topics include:
Bid qualification – how to undertake a successful go/no go strategy assessment
- Winning requirements
- Overview of client and project
- The importance of SWOT analysis
- Competitor analysis
- Different procurement models
- Partnering arrangements
- Go / No Go Decision matrix
Client presentations and interviews – how to build and retain the client’s trust
- Identifying the wining attributes from the client’s perspective
- Embedding your key messages in your interviews and presentation
- Evaluation teams and what they look for
- Bid presentation preparations, logistics and theming
- Setting up a winning bid strategy and aligning prior to presentation / interviews
- United leadership – role clarity and preparation
Commercial approaches
- Pricing, rates and disbursements
- Scopes, assumptions and other qualifiers
- Commercial pricing models, techniques and strategies
Developing winning strategies and proofs
- How to build a winning bid strategy
- Identifying silver bullets
- Key messages and how to embed them
Proposal writing – how to build a winning response
- Developing the proposal theme, structure, response and management of the proposal
- Running the bid management process and planning it successfully
- Hints and tips, key tools and techniques
Find out how our Bid Coaching services can position your team to win competitive tenders and successfully deliver project outcomes
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